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Scene Analysis 

     For my scene analysis, I watched the extinction scene from Avengers Infinity War. The scene clearly makes almost everyone who watches it sad. Despite a good mix of emotions throughout the scene, it leaves me anxious for what comes next. Its sad about Vision's mind stone being destroyed and him dying, but I was relieved to see that Thanos' plan is ruined and he won't be able to exterminate half the world. Then right off that high point of emotion, it drops again as Thanos reverses time with the time stone and is able to kill Vision and take his stone. And then, like clockwork, emotions soar back up again as Thor comes out of the sky with his newly formed weapon and plunges it straight through Thanos. But of course, He survived and snapped his fingers as the blade was in him. That snap wiped out half of every population on every planet in every universe, including the heroes we all know and love. This sent the emotions way back down as all hope was lost watching a lot of the heroes dissipate into nothing but dust. This is the first time we've seen so many core members of a franchise be wiped out in a single scene. It leaves me wanting to see what comes next.


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In the most important and climactic point of the scene, the snap of the fingers that causes mass extinction, the camera angle switches from next to Thor to behind Thanos, about a full 180 degree rotation. I think I was an interesting choice to no just have a snap in one shot, I think I'd rather have it in one shot, but thats just my preference.






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A scene that I think was really cool was when the huge Iron Man suit went to hit Thanos and went right through him. It happens directly in the middle of the screen mid walk. Its wide shot where no one is stationary. I know a lot of it happened in editing, but I still think its amazing how they could pull this shot off.

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This is a crucial scene in franchise history, it marks a big moment where what I think is the first Marvel movie that ends in tragedy. It also sets up what will most likely be a huge pay off for the next movie. No one is gonna want to end on this which means that a lot of people will be coming out to see the next movie in theaters. I think it was a really smart decision by the franchise to send like this. The sound effects through the scene, like in every other review I've done, were really good. The music that plays throughout parts of the scene and the sound of people vanishing into dust sets the mood perfectly. I liked the variety of shots used, from really wide shots to very up close shots and pans, this scene captures a lot. I felt like this scene was on par with the movie and what the franchise has been doing lately, creating very cinematic and exciting films.

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