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News Ideas

Senioritis coming in hard--interview with a couple people who've stopped working hard

ex-Liz taking her books out of her bag and bringing a blanket to school, maybe add someone who is still going strong


New tradition(singing alma mater after games)- assembly speech about alma mater, it may be a new tradition after winning basketball games. Interviews with teachers/headmaster about what the alma mater means to them. B roll of chorus group or fans singing alma mater. 


Exchange students and their favorite winter activities- a bunch of quick shots of a stand up interview with exchange students telling us what they like to do.




News Story

For my news story I did a piece on the Chinese New Year with Steven, Asa, and Miles. This wasn't our first idea. We were gonna do two stories, one about snow plow drivers and one about senioritis. We spent a class planning these stories and then another class for Asa and Phillip trying to contact snowplow drivers while Steven and I did senioritis interviews. We didn't find out until the end of that class that another group was already doing senioritis as their project. Also, Asa and Miles couldn't find anyone close by that could do an interview. We then decided to do two interviews, one about the Chinese New Year and one about our maintenance staff at BBA. The maintenance staff one didn't work out, we had an interview scheduled, but they cancelled it when we got there. We scheduled another one for the Monday before break, nut we had to reshoot some shots from the Chinese New Year film and there wasn't enough time with the expected snow-day and half days to do both. The Chinese New Year film took a little while to complete. We had to reshoot multiple times because Steven's answers weren't quite what we wanted and the shot of Asa wasn't as good as we wanted. I was the DP this film and I got really used to using the camera. I also did some of the editing, everybody in the group edited. I think we could do a little more if we still have more time, but overall I think it come out pretty good. The sound isn't as good as I'd like it to be. Below are screenshots fro when we were editing. One is the shot of Steven, the other one is how we put the Chinese banners over Steven on the last shot, and the last is half of the story line where you can see the b roll, the transitions, and the opening affects that Asa put in. With more time I would definitely do some more editing and probably get quicker more basic questions kind of like the food question so that we can see a lot more people and get a lot more facts about the holiday.

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