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Final Movie Review

Saving Private Ryan

     Saving Private Ryan is my final movie review. In the movie, three brothers are killed over the course of World War II and the mother is set to receive all three telegrams of their deaths on the same day. The first two are killed in the opening scene during the invasion of Normandy. Earlier in New Guinea, the third brother was killed. When it is learned by General Marshall that there is a fourth brother who is possibly alive, a rescue mission is ordered to try and alleviate some of the mother's grief. Eight men are sent on the rescue mission to bring home private Ryan.















Two A-list actors, Matt Damon and Tom Hanks, play Private Ryan and Captain Miller respectively. I thought the acting was incredible, especially throughout the violent scenes. The actors combined with the sound effects and special effects make you see what the war was actually right. Something you told me that I didn't know about using real people who have lost limbs, was a really good idea and makes the opening scene look super realistic. I like how the scene was filmed with the camera being super shaky and the background was rally dark which gives off a sad or dreary feeling.  There's a really good shot that looks like its through a scope.

The scope follows a grenade as

its thrown, caught, and then

thrown back and exploding.

I don't really think that is an

amazing shot, but its different

and I like the variety of shots used

in the movie. Watching movies

with violence in the past, I've

always looked at them and enjoyed

the action. I still enjoy it now, but i

look at it and try to break down how

all the violence happens like body

parts wrapped in green tape or something and special effects added in after the fact. This is one of the only movies that is able to show you how bad war actually is. The shots with the solider calmly looking for his arm or a man running across the beach on fire are pure genius. And the emotion shown in face shots of the soliders captures what is was really like being in the war. The face shot of a solider sitting shows just how terrified he was.

     I would definitely recommend this movie. Not to kids too young obviously because of the violence, but its a great movie for any teenager or anyone older. Its the perfect movie to show people what war was actually like and how important our veterans are. It conveys the courage and bravery that these men possess and shows why we should be supportive of people who come back from war with PTSD. Its completely reasonable for for someone to be waking up with nightmares screaming and shouting when they witnessed people being slaughtered. This was the most violet and graphic movie I've seen, just as it should be. I think that this is how all war movies should be portrayed and I recommend this movie to everyone older than thirteen.

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